
Top 10 Favorite Quotes

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you suck," -- Joss Whedon

"I think it's harder to come up with ideas and solutions now. If these people were around today, they'd struggle. Newton wouldn't be allowed to sit under an apple tree because there'd probably be a Keep Off The Grass sign or apple trees would have fences around them to stop people nicking the apples. And Archimedes wouldn't have a bath due to a water shortage. He'd probably be advised to take a shower because it's better for the environment. And as for running down the street naked, he'd be banged up for that." --Karl Pilkington (Karlology)

"What makes you wonder about the nature of this god character is that he creates something [cocoanuts] that is so perfectly designed to be of benefit to human beings and then hangs it twenty feet above their heads on a tree with no branches [...] I can only think that the business with the apple must have upset him more than I realized." -- Douglas Adams (Last Chance to See) p. 47

"No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away -- until the clock he wound up winds down, until the wine she made has finished its ferment, until the crop they planted is harvested. The span of someone's life, they say, is only the core of their actual existence." -- Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett, p. 317

"Everyone wants something from Vimes, even though I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Hell, I'm probably a spoon." -- Sam Vimes (Thud! by Terry Pratchett)

"I find clothes a distraction from the pursuit of spiritual and intellectual fulfillment." -- Enlightened Cat / Danny John Jules
"That's weird, because I find spiritual and intellectual fulfillment a distraction from the pursuit of clothes!" -- Cat / Danny John Jules (Red Dwarf)

"You can't dangle the bogus carrot of possible reconciliation whilst riding some other donkey!" -- Tim Bisley / Simon Pegg (Spaced)

"Better safe than stupid." --Chuck (Early Edition)

"The people I can't comprehend are the people that are hardcore pro-life and hardcore pro-death-penalty. It's like saying don't kill 'em yet. Just wait and see how they turn out first. Let's see if the afterschool program works and if not, then we'll whack 'em. That's not pro-life! That's pro...crastinating." -- Lee Camp

"There's a time when you can share and you hold hands and be on the same path. But there's always a fork in the road... at some point. And sometimes you have to go on one part of the fork and they gotta go on the other part of the fork. Or just down the back part of the fork while you go forward. And they're like *sigh* Or they got a salad fork and you have one of the big dinner forks and you have longer to go but they're like done because that's it, they're stuck on a piece of food, that they *sigh*. A desert fork or like one of those, you know small little shrimp forks or crab forks and you're trying to get out a crab. They're like that and you're over here jumping to the huge serving fork or something like that, or a ladle, you know. " --Gherhart/Alan Tudyk (28 Days)

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