
Quotes from real life

"Ah, the search for God. And do you know what happens when you find Him? He says, "you're it!" and then it's God's turn to find you." --Jeff Nelson

"I got two birthday presents today, but one ran away," -Lindsey H.
"What kind of present is that?" -Nicole M.
"Well…you remember Hitler?" -Lindsey H.


"Mini moomoo," -- Jaeger
"Like a calf?" --Jaime
"Not a baby cow. An old cow who's just smaller than the rest," -- Jaeger
"Aw," --Jaime
"Aw what?" --Jaeger
"Poor wittew cow, not as big as da udders," --Jaime

"If a doily falls in the woods and no one is around, does it make a sound? No because doilies don't make sound," --Jaime
"Because they're not important," -- Jaeger

"It's the last day of the year. I'd better start working on last year's new years resolution." -- Jaeger
"What was it?" --Jaime
"Procrastination." --Jaeger
"You just made that up!" -- Jaime
"Yeah, you're right. It was actually compulsive lying." -- Jaeger

"How'd they make the dog sad?" -Jaime
"They probably sprayed it with water," -Jaeger
"It didn't look wet," -Jaime
"They probably dried it of…….with a porcupine," -Jaeger

"We used to have a boat," -Jaeger
"Jaeger, that was a swimming pool," -Jaime

"Why are baby spoons shaped like a U?" --Jaime
"Because when parents try to get their babies to eat, they make U shapes with their mouths. So the baby mimics them. So the spoon will fit in their mouth.......Although, if they just used a regular spoon, they wouldn't need to make that face," --Jaeger


"Mr. Green, what's that big toothpick?" -Sam
"Sam, that's the Washington Monument," -Green

"This book may look thicker than this one, but that's because it is…and the reason for that is that it has more pages," --Siharath

"I can't see you. Therefore…you do not exist!" -Siharath

"A girdle. It's one of those things you slip on…like a sock…with the bottom cut off," -Green

"I can't hear because I can't see," --Washa

"The problem is that Tinkerbelle and the sun are on the same tween," --Walker

"A-U-S? No, there's no such thing," -Mrs. Miller

"Brian, are you ever going to get rid of your gum before I have to tell you to?" --Miller
"It's not gum, it's plastic," --Brian
"You're chewing on plastic? Why are you chewing on plastic?" --Miller
"Because I don't have any gum," --Brian

"Just be patient. Don't be a patient dying in a hospital, but BE patient...Where the hell is it?!" -- Aritan

"We'll go until we…stop and then…we'll be done," -Green

"If you don't vote, you can't complain," -Dr. Horstmeyer
"But we did vote. We made a door and it won! It's Al Gore winning the popular vote over here and we still don't have doughnuts!" -Chris

"Hey Mr. Kellogg," -Joe
"Hey. How you doin'?" -Kellogg
"Fine…you're holding a hack saw…" -Joe

"Remember this: If someone brings you a TV, don't let them take it away again," --Albright

"The ocean is a conspiracy trying to make rivers salty," --Gonzalez

"Get in the Christmas spirit. Give someone a hug or a kiss, but don't give someone a chiapet," --Gonzalez

"Now it smells like French-fried ass." -Teiggs


"We don't have to be proper, we're in a bowling alley!" -Carissa

"Yeah, but [if you're drunk] you don't know you're stealing a motorcycle and hitting a truck!" -Sarah

"She's so evil, she makes Hitler look like Nathan Lane," --Jeff Nelson

"British lobsters with funny haircuts?" -Jaeger
"They don't eat lobster in London," -Jan
"Yeah, they're too hairy," -Jeff

"Those shoes do more for a woman's legs than exercise." --Allie
"And more for her spine than falling out a plane." --Jaime

"Where's the Mayonnaise Lid? I'm not wearing any underpants" -Mary M.

"That's your excuse for everything. 'Your head was in my way'" -Jaeger

"Happiness is like peeing on yourself. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth."

"I got chocolate on my underwear!" -Erin B.

"She's eating my pants!" -Nikki V.

"You should take Spanish because it's easier than French and it'll come in handy because the Mexicans are taking over Wisconsin. That's what my mommy said," --Lindsey

"Anyone can TALK a line of sh**, and anyone can SING like sh**, but if you can get someone to SING a line of sh** and make it sound like MUSIC, then you've GOT something!" -C.P. Roth

"It's like taking money management without money," -Shorty
"Yeah, or aviation without a boat," -Mo

"I have to fix the chicken!" -Jaeger

"You're interrupting the throw of the pig!" -K10

"Hey! Keep your eyes in your own country!" --Courtney

"Can you make that negative three negative?" -Josh

"For the whole hitting you in the face thing, how many people in a group?" --Josh

"I don't like having cauliflower in my shoe," -Nicole

"Look! Flaming bag of poo," -Nicole
"Ooo! Gimme!" -Jolie

"Here's the thing. We're not geeks, we're not jocks, we're not preps. We are our own thing," -Nicole
"We're freaks!" -Jolie
"And we can all say the word 'OH'," -Carissa

"Do you like my hair Dooa? It looks dorky. Dorky! I need to wash my hair," -Mary
"Mary get your shoes on," -Dave
"I gotta go pee. Where's my shoes? I don't think I'll flush because I'll wake up the whole neighborhood," -Mary

"A book." --Kaleigh
"Yeah, I borrowed it." -Tia
"You what?" -Kaleigh
"I borrowed it," -Tia
"From who?" -Kaleigh
"The library," -Tia
"Oh…but that's so…weird," -Kaleigh

"Why did someone throw a perfectly good piece of pizza in the garbage?" -Sami
"Because it fell on Steve," -Jolie
"I'll eat it!" -Nicole

"Eat your soup or Granny's gonna get the spatula."

"No, don't put the golf ball in the microwave!" -Whitney

"Are you saying Lance was cheating on his girlfriend for his brother?" -Jolie

"Why are we always dyslexic when we have to pick movies?" -- MacKenzie
"You mean indecisive?" -- Kaylee

"I may not have fingernails, but daaamn I've got fingers!" --Ashton

Ryan: "When I was little, I never thought that the Easter bunny might be a thief."
Toby: "Why would he be a thief?"
Ryan: "Because he's got eggs. And he's hiding them."
Toby: "Why wouldn't he have eggs? He's a rabbit!"

"I know why you always get lost! You just don't know which direction you're going in relation to where you want to end up." -- Mrs. G

"Teeter-totters at MY rock concert!" -- Chris

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